’twas the weekend before Christmas…

Hello everyone and happy 2016! I hope everyone has had a fantastic Christmas and wonderful New Year so far! I have loads and loads to fill you all in on so we will start with the weekend before Christmas…

As mine and Karl’s families are all across the country, it can be difficult for us to get to see family over Christmas so we always arrange for my Mum and Step-Dad to come down the weekend before the big day!

Karl had been on his work night out the night before and had woken me up coming in at 2:30am!!!! As you can imagine, I was really tired and I had to be up early to go and have my Christmas nails done before Mum came down. I caught the bus to the salon (boy was I sleepy on that journey) and had my hair cut and nails done ready for Christmas. I wanted something a little sparkly so I had them painted like this using Shellac

Christmas sparkle

I had been in the salon for 3 hours being pampered and by 12:30 I was on the bus back home again so I could look after my hungover Husband and also get the house ready for our visitors. I also managed to sneak in one of these bad boys!


For those of you that don’t know what these are, they are a round soft unsweetened bread resembling a muffin, cooked on a griddle or the like, and often toasted (thanks Google for that definition!). They are normally about the size of the palm of your hand however Warburtons (a bread manufacturer) have made giant crumpets which are the size of your entire hand! They are massive! I had mine with loads of butter. Lush!

So, after filling my face, waking Karl up and putting on a little make-up, I was ready for our visitors…

All set with my Christmas tree earrings in.

My Mum and Step-Dad arrived with LOTS of presents for Karl and I however we wouldn’t be opening them just yet, it wasn’t Christmas day after all! My Mum and I had discussed the plans for that day over the phone every time we spoke however the plans got thrown into a bit of chaos as my Step-Dad was ill and had a nasty cold (uh-oh). He felt awful so our trip to the pub and then for an Indian had to change. We decided we would stay in, drink at home and order Indian instead. We didn’t mind this however as it meant we could all be comfy in our pyjamas. So we got the drinks and our little Christmas gathering started.

Me and Mum
My Mum and I

I had to buy this for making drinks…

Cute Coke
Coca-Cola with a bow!

Coca-Cola had made limited edition bottles that, when the label was pulled, it became a pretty bow.

During the day we found a game on Xbox One called QuipLash which is made by jackbox games. The aim of the game is for everyone to give a random answer, everyone then votes for their favourite and the winner is the person that has the most amount of points at the end. Really simple concept but such a funny game. My Mum kept spelling things wrong which made it even funnier!

I must confess, we played this game for hours. We didn’t even stop for a cake break for the cake I had made the day before…

Mum and cake
My Mum really wanted a piece!

we just played it and played it. Of course, eventually we had to stop and once we did, it was cocktail time!!

Mum and me cocktail
So it begins…

Now, the cocktails that we were drinking were infact Disney cocktails. It was Magical Star which I first tasted at 50’s Prime Time Cafe. It’s so good so I had to share it with Mum.

Mum cocktail
She loved it!

Now, if you haven’t tasted the cocktail before then shame on you!! Only joking but seriously it’s amazeballs! The recipe is as follows:

°o°  1 part coconut rum (Parrot Bay)
°o°  1 part X-Fusion Organic Mango and Passion Fruit Liqueur
°o°  1 part pineapple juice
Now, being in the UK, I really struggled to find the X-Fusion liqueur so instead I just used passion fruit liqueur and it tasted exactly the same. There are no set amounts of alcohol to put in. I just did a double shot of each and then topped it up with the pineapple juice. Oh it’s delicious and Mum thought so too!
Not only were we drinking cocktails, we were also drinking wine so as you can imagine, we felt a little tipsy. Karl and my Step-Dad however weren’t drinking. Karl still felt rough from the night before and as my Step-Dad wasn’t well he did partake either. Oh well, more for Mum and I!
We eventually decided that we would order our food (yum!) from our local Indian Takeaway and when it came, there was so much food that I actually couldn’t eat it all! Everyone was stuffed and my Mum and Step-Dad even kept some of theirs to take home the next day!
So by the end of the night we had chatted, drank, eaten and played even more QuipLash and it was time for bed. I didn’t really want to go to bed though as it meant my Mum and Step-Dad would be going home the next day (sad face).
Although they did go home the next day, we had a mini-buffet and a little more celebration before they left. It was a great weekend had by all.
Signing off.
(Follow me on Instagram too: disneymeblogging)


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