Falling in love with gaming again…via an Alien?

Video games! Some people love them, some people hate them. I’m a little in between. As a child I used to play them all the time. I would have the popular console, the new games and I would sit and play them for hours, even getting in a go before I went to school!

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve fallen out of love with gaming. I have a few consoles (Nintendo WiiU, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS and a PlayStation Vita) but I’m more of a casual player than an avid hardcore gamer. I seem to start games but never finish them. One such game was Alien: Isolation on the Xbox One. Karl bought it back in 2014 and I remember watching him play it thinking how amazing the game was, so I gave it a go. After a few hours however, I’d had enough. I turned it off, never to be played again…until now!

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A big blog with craft, family and food!

Hey everyone, happy Sunday! Hope you’re all well. haven’t updated for a while so I’ve got a few cool things to tell you all about!

Firstly, the Husband (H) and I have been playing Lego Jurassic World! It’s amazing! It has all of the four films in it and you can pick and choose which film to play. You get to smash bricks, play as characters from the films and even play as the dinosaurs. It’s great seeing classic clips from the movies played out in Lego.

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